Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Tech


Technology: the application of scientific knowledge, advances in computer, machinery and equipment, and the engineering or applied sciences.

Artistic depiction of Operation Snow White featuring Scientology building and Hubbard.

Operation Snow White: When Scientologists infiltrated the US Government

Operation Snow White a Story of espionage planned and executed by the Church of Scientology to infiltrate the US government and destroy records.
Artistic Illustration of Hyperreality

Hyperreality: The Fusion of Physical and Virtual Worlds

We are living in a world where our experiences are mediated by technology, where simulations and representations are taking over the real. Learn more about the concept of hyperreality.
Illustration of Nanotechnology Showing Nanoschematic Of DNA Where Nanorobots would be able to repair damaged DNA and allow our cells to function correctly.

Nanotechnology: Manipulating Atoms and Molecules

Nanotechnology is the science of building small, really really small; it's pretty difficult to imagine how small it is. It has major benefits as well as Potential risks too. Learn more
artistic illustration of quantum cryptography

Quantum Cryptography: Data Security at the Quantum Level

Based on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Entanglement Quantum Mechanical Properties to Perform Cryptographic Tasks What is this Quantum Cryptography?
Image 1: A hacker collecting information through Joker malware. Illustration of Joker malware.

Joker Malware: The Hidden Threat to Mobile Devices

In this article learn what is this Joker malware, its Genesis, its capabilities, and the steps you can take to protect your mobile device.
Illustration of Neuralink

Neuralink: Developing Implantable Brain-Machine Interfaces

In this article learn about developing implantable brain-machine interfaces known as Neuralink, a neurotechnology business that develops implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMIs).
Artistic Illustration of Artificial City

Artificial City: The Future of Artificially Intelligence Society

Explore the concept of an Artificial City and its potential implications, benefits, drawbacks, challenges, and The Future of an Artificially Intelligence Society.
Artistic illustration of Nanotechnology In Warfare And Defence

Nanotechnology in Future Warfare and Defense

The growth of Nanotechnology in Future Warfare and Defence has a dominant platform at the forefront of military interests in the use, or misuse of its power.
illustration of deep web

The Deep Web: Invisible Part of the World Wide Web

The Dark Web is merely a small part of the Deep Web, while both together make the vast Deep Web. It is the Invisible Part of the World Wide Web. In this article learn about what is the deep web?
Illustration of The Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds: The Next Frontier in Technology

In this article, we will explore the different aspects of virtual worlds, including their history, technology, and impact on society.
Illustration of the Internet of Bodies

The Internet of Bodies: Transforming Lives or Crossing Ethics?

In this article, we will delve deeper into the Internet of Bodies, its applications, benefits, and potential concerns. Is it Transforming Our Lives or Crossing Ethical Boundaries?
artistic quantum network

Quantum Networks: The Future of Secure Communication and Computing

Quantum Networks, In this article, we will explore what quantum networks are, how they work, and their potential applications.


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