Artistic Illustration Of Dark Matters
An Artistic Illustration Of Dark Matter: In the rectangle section distribution of dark matter has been shown. | © UNREVEALED FILES

Galaxies throughout the universe seem to accomplish things that seem impossible. They are evolving at such a fast rate that the gravity created by their visible mass cannot possibly keep them together; They should have separated long ago. Galaxies in clusters behave similarly, leading astronomers to assume that they are doing some unseen work. They believe that something we haven’t observed directly is adding mass to these galaxies, requiring additional gravity to hold them together. Because it is not visible, this strange and mysterious substance was named “dark matter.” Let us know in detail about this mysterious substance, “dark matter,” in this article.

What is Dark Matter?

Dark Matter accounts for about 85% of the total Matter in the universe and about a quarter of its total energy density. However, most of these substances are considered non-bionic, possibly composed of some as-yet-unseen sub-atomic particles.

History of Dark Matter

Dark Matter is a detailed history of the concept of unintentional Matter. When Newton’s theory of gravity appeared to the world in the 1600s, some astronomers began to speculate about the existence of dark Matter. Even though the first evidence for dark matter was discovered in the 1930s, it wasn’t until the early 1980s that astronomers realized that most of the material keeping galaxies and clusters of galaxies together is unseen. Theories were proposed and challenged for two decades. Still, it wasn’t until the dawn of the twenty-first century that the “Double Dark” standard cosmological model was accepted: cold dark Matter (non-atomic Matter other than that which makes up planets, stars, and us) and dark energy making up 95 percent of the cosmic density. The next step is to determine the mechanics of the particles that make up dark Matter and the nature of dark energy. The presentation contains magnificent celestial videos and closes with David Weinberg’s “Dark Matter Rap,” which anybody may appreciate, from those with little prior knowledge of contemporary astronomy to specialists.

Research and Experiment

Astronomers researched some objects in the universe that emit little or no light and found that things that talk little or no light were detected on their shiny objects, like stars and planets. It can be known from the gravitational tug. Thus the idea of ​​dark Matter was reinforced in the 1700s when Pierre-Simon Laplace argued that there could be massive stars whose gravity is so great that even light cannot escape from their surface.

In the 1800s, Urbain Le Verrier and John Couch Adams estimated Uranus’s speed and Neptune’s presence using gravity anomalies. Using these same gravity anomalies, astronomers also detected the presence of a dark nebula, which could only be seen by the light emanating from bright objects. Thus it was clear that visible light in the universe can only be seen; that is, we can see any Vastu in the universe only when the light comes from it.

Lord Kelvin 1884 estimated the dispersion velocity of stars orbiting around the galaxy’s center by the “velocity dispersion” of the number of dark bodies in the Milky Way. He also estimated the mass of the universe using these measurements. He also determined that the stars differ from the palpable mass. In this way, Lord Kelvin concluded that “many of our stars, perhaps most of them, maybe dark bodies.” Then in 1906, Henry Poincaré used the term Dark Matter to discuss Lord Kelvin’s works in “The Milky Way and Theory of Gases.”

And thus, in 1922, Dutch astronomers Jacobus Kapteyn became the first to suggest the existence of dark matter using stellar velocities. In 1932 Jan Hendrik Oort also envisaged the fact of dark Matter. Hendrik Oort By studying the celestial motions, i.e., stellar movements, in the galaxy near our Milkey Way galaxy, we found that the mass (mass) in the galactic plane should be greater than what was observed. Still, this measurement was later determined to be incorrect.

Similarly, in 1933, Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky, who worked at the California Institute of Technology, studied galaxy clusters and made similar hypotheses. Fritz Zwicky obtained evidence of undiscovered mass with the aid of virial theorem in the Coma Cluster, which he called Dark Matter. Fritz Zwicky estimated its mass (mass) based on the speeds of nearby galaxies and compared their brightness and their numbers based on galaxies. He estimated that the Cluster had about 400 times more mass.

The gravitational effect of visible galaxies was too small for such fast orbits. Thus the mass must be hidden from view. Based on these findings, Zwicky hypothesized that some unseen matter provided assembly and associated gravitational attraction to hold the clusters together. Unfortunately, Zwicky’s estimates were closed by more than an order of magnitude, mainly due to an obsolete value of the Hubble constant. As a result, today’s calculation shows a smaller fraction, which uses more importance ​​for the luminous mass. However, Zwicky correctly concluded from his calculations that the bulk of this substance was Dark Matter.

Further indications are that there was no similarity between mass and light ratio, which came from measurements of the galaxy’s rotating curves. In 1939 Horace W. Babcock reported the angle of rotation for the Andromeda nebula (now known as the Andromeda Galaxy), suggesting that the mass-to-light ratio increases radially. He attributed this to the light absorption within the galaxy or the modified dynamics in the outer parts of the spiral and not to the missing Matter he had exposed. Following the 1939 report of an unexpectedly rapid turnaround on the outskirts of the Andromeda galaxy and in 1940, Jan Oort discovered and wrote about the sizeable non-visible halo of NGC 3115.

The work of Vera Rubin, Kent Ford, and Ken Freeman in the 1960s and 1970s provided even more substantial evidence of Dark Matter and Galaxy rotation curves. Rubin and Ford worked with a new spectrograph to measure the velocity curve of edge spiral galaxies with greater accuracy. This result was confirmed in 1978. An influential paper presented the results of Rubin and Ford in 1980. He showed that most galaxies should be about six times as dark as the visible mass; Thus, the 1980 Dark Matter apparent need was widely recognized as a central mystery in astronomy.

At the same time as Rubin and Ford were searching for optical rotation curves, radio astronomers were using new radio telescopes to map the 21-cm line of atomic hydrogen in nearby galaxies. The radial distribution of interstellar atomic hydrogen (HI) often extends to much larger galactic radii than those accessible by optical studies, expanding the sample of rotation curves – and thus the total mass distribution – into a new dynamic regime. The initial mapping of Andromeda with a 300-foot telescope at Green Bank and a 250-foot dish at Jodrell Bank showed that the HI rotation curve did not predict Keplerian degradation.

As more sensitive receivers became available, Morton Roberts and Robert Whitehurst could detect rotational velocities of 30 pcs Andromeda, far ahead of optical measurements. Illustrating the advantage of tracing gas discs in large ready, the image in that paper combines 16 visual data (a cluster of points less than 15 pcs with a single moment that exceeds 15 pcs) with HI data at 20 And between 30 pcs, exhibiting the flatness of the outer galaxy rotation curve; The solid angle located at the center is the optical surface density, while the second curve shows the cumulative mass, still linearly increasing in the outermost measurement.

In parallel, the use of interferometric arrays for extragalactic HI spectroscopy was being developed. In 1972, David Rosstad and Seth Shostak published the HI rotation curves of five spirals mapped with an Owens Valley interferometer; The rotation curves of all five were very flat, suggesting tremendous values ​​of mass-to-light ratio in the outer parts of their extended HIX.

A stream of observations in the 1980s supported the presence of dark matter, including gravitational lensing of background objects by galaxy clusters, the temperature distribution of hot gas in galaxies and groups, and the pattern of anisotropies in cosmic microwave backgrounds. According to consensus among cosmologists, dark Matter is primarily not yet a characteristic of subatomic particles. The discovery of this Particle by various means is one of the significant efforts in particle physics.


  1. Dark Matter
  2. A Brief History of Dark Matter PDF
  3. A history of dark Matter
  4. What is dark Matter?

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Mithun Sarkar
Mithun Sarkar is the Founder and Chief Editor at Unrevealed Files. Mithun is an Entrepreneur and Investor and has a broad understanding of the Financial Markets, Businesses, Marketing, Politics, Geopolitics, Espionage, Science, and Technology. Mithun explains himself as a Seeker who is a Writer, Editor, and Investor by day, and Researcher by night. Mithun is also an Activist of Vote Vapsi Movement. Follow him on Social networks given below.

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